Buying art packs requires quite a few steps, so no worries if you're confused the first time around! You can read up on how to buy my art packs in great detail right here!
You can read up on how to subscribe in great detail right here!
Yes, I do take commissions! You can read all about it here! I might not always have my commission slots open, so it's best to just ask me.
I just find it really hot! There's just something so animalistic and rotten about imagining a hot and unhinged father figure being so controlled by his lust and his love for his own sons that it destroys all sense of his morality and common sense to the point where he would call himself something that people would normally not be caught dead calling themselves. For me, it's the same kind of excitement that public sex and exhibitionism kink creates. It's the ultimate form of rejection and disregard of social and moral shame in order to please one's cock and carnal desires, and that's hot as fuck to me!
The only thing I fully condone is being unapologatically kinky when it comes to fiction, but only fiction!
Make sure you've typed in the code into the correct link and that you've typed it in correctly. You may have written a big letter small and vice versa. If you want to be extra sure, you can copy and paste the code on your computer! If that doesn't help, please send me a message telling me what artpacks you've bought and what password key you've typed in and I'll try my best to help.